Plant Families


Dieffenbachia plants

Dieffenbachias are known for their ability to adapt to many conditions. For a tropical plant, they're ultra-resilient, so you can have your jungle without losing much time. With hundreds of different types, one thing you can always count on is vibrant foliage on every plant. Their broad leaves grow on cane-like stems, and feature unique patterns and different shades of green. 

A dieffenbachia shining in the light.


Place in low to bright indirect light. For optimal growth, bright indirect light is recommended.

Water weekly or when the top 2" of soil feel dry. They are semi-drought tolerant, and will let you know they're thirsty by drooping their leaves.

Use diluted plant food once a month in the spring and summer. Stop feeding in the fall and winter since the plant goes dormant and will not need the extra nutrients.

The entire plant is toxic when ingested, as it contains calcium oxalate crystals. Keep out of reach of pets and children.

Care instructions are usually consistent for most dieffenbachias, but we always recommend researching your specific plant to make sure you get it right the first time. 

A dieffenbachia panther growing in the wild. It has aerial roots and yellowing basal leaves.


Dieffenbachias rarely give their caretaker a problem, but they are sensitive to certain things. Like most tropical plants, they prefer a comfortable temperature of 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to never place it in the path of heaters or air conditioners. This can not only cause soil to dry prematurely, but can have a negative impact on foliage causing browning, and in extreme cases, death.

These plants regularly shed old growth, so if you notice yellowing of the basal leaves (lower, smaller growths) don't panic. You can trim these or leave them alone–either way, nature will eventually do its thing, and they'll fall off. The only time you should worry is if larger, newer growth is yellowing. In that case, you may need to adjust your watering habits. Never allow soil to remain soggy for days or go dry for more than a week and you should be okay.

Dieffenbachias tend to twist and curve over time, as they are always searching for sunlight. If you prefer upward growth, be sure to rotate your pot 90 degrees every week or so, and this should prevent it from leaning. 

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